This build fixes the following issues:
DES-208: updated SFX templates
- Custom navigation areas added to these templates: SFX-BAB-AA_dew, SFX-CAR-CA_bes, SFX-FAS-AB_fas, SFX-FAS-AC_base, SFX-FLO-AA_sir, SFX-FOO-AA_jui, SFX-FOO-COF_col-sm, SFX-FUR-AA_juj, SFX-HEA-AA_sir, SFX-MOB-AA_bma, SFX-MUS-AA_did, SFX-OFF-AA_hat, SFX-SPO-AA_did, SFX-SPO-PAT_pat
SF-1764: Sub page navigation: adjust font sizes.
- Consistently display the SubPageNavigation images when DelayImageLoading is enabled
SF-1744: Improvements to hover bars for page and website level.
- improve detection of product
SF-1758: Search issue with Timed discount: Discounted price must be displayed properly in Chrome and IE browsers
SF-1721: Ability to change border color of "Index 2 subpage item".
- For existing shops, you must reselect your navigation style
DES-236: Footer navigation issue for templates that had custom content areas 5 and 6
- For templates that had the old footer navigation such as SFX-BASE, SFX- AQA, SFX-CAR, SFX-COM, SFX-FAS-JEA, SFX-GIF, SFX-HOM, SFX-JWL
SF-1697: SFX templates: index1 & index2 display for RTL language such as Hebrew
- Fix display of payment methods as well.
SF-1775: Fix for Custom page contents tab feature on top right
SF-1753: Fix Youtube video as product image when a product has Options/choices
SF-1771: Save the preferred detailed view style from Designer menu
Enable delay loading of images if it's been turned off in the shop.
SF-1384: SEO for multilingual sites: Google shows missing "hreflang" tags
- includes hreflang="x-default" in both the page and the site map to improve the automatic language detection
SF-1773: OSX Safari and iPad Safari: Display choice prices properly after going back to the product page from basket page
- Also fixed an issue when reloading the page in Safari if clicking on the product link in the basket page
SF-1742: Update website theme selector
Initial font size of mouseover text for navigation top level should be same as non-mouseover text.
EqualHeight should set height even if there's only 1 in the collection.
SF-1384: SEO for multilingual sites: Include "hreflang" tags in the sitemap.xml file
- Now also includes hreflang for the main language so Google will know which language the main site is in.
SF-1759: Recommended products: do not display "Buy Now" button if the product has options/choices
- Apply the same for "Show prices only to resellers/member" feature
SF-1708: New video tutorial on startup - Help/Tutorial now also shows the same one.
Demo splash screen must display the Buy Now
Prevent users from entering illegal mutable page names in the page dialog.
SF-1710: SFX-BASE-ESV and SFX-BASEPIX-1 subnavigation links position: new 1b variation shows subpage navigation below the Page Description.
Improve page loading speed when using SFX-BASE-ESV navigation style.
SF-1619: SFX-BASE-ESV subnav images must have equal height and maximum height
- fix vertical alignment in Safari.
SF-1728: Apostrophe/Single quote symbol in Page Links is incorrectly removed
SF-1730: Banners and other flickerty objects needs to delay load images
- Delay loading is now enforced for some templates which use flickerty and also fixes a bug in the SFX-FLICKITY_1 product loop when delay loading is enabled.
- Fix the flickery delay loading by using our other delay loading code instead.
SF-1722: Fix Megapix display issue in Chrome and Edge
SF-1715: index 2 navigation style DDM_2 and DDV are not cascading the right way when old v10 template is still in use
SF-1726: Incorrect H1 tags assigned to related products and recommended products
- More details templates have been updated to use H2 since the page template uses H1 for the shop name.
SFX-FLO-AA, SFX-HEA-AA website themes
- fix display of detailed product pages in mobile mode.
SF-1734: Internet Explorer 8 browser is no longer supported in ShopFactory 11
- V11 Installer will now refuse to execute on anything less than Windows Vista
SF-1717: Improve mobile mode
SF-1718: Use IHTMLElement6 to read the attributes in IE8 Standard and above.
SF-1736: Add Og Meta Data
- More details pages will now also have Facebook compatible Open Graph tags.
SF-1713: Currency link must display in Mobile mode
SF-1738: Mobile menu tap button becomes white on white after navigating to another page and then going back to home page or another page.
- also fix the side-effect where all elements received a color change.
SF-1729: Missing magnifying glass icon in detailed page
SF-1743: When clicking on link image group jump to correct image clicked on
- Now selects the link as well
Display progress window when you select a new index style
SF-1727: French translation: Properties... Custom Content
SF-1740: Inline image in cookie warning does not appear
- Cookie warning doesn't support html - disable the html editor for this field similar to the slogan dialog.
SF-1751: Custom Navigation - re-order (sort up/down) function does not work
- Need to preserve the order better and keep the IDs.
SF-1752: Opening project with single quotes in the name of the project doesn't always work
- Fix the file names where it wasn't escaped properly.
SF-1578: Index items mouseover background color, font size, and font formatting
- Update background colour and font size in this order: change the background colour first - then set the font size
SF-1741: Fix thumbnail regeneration code
- Also create thumbnails for old .gif => .png thumbnail images.
- Update the code which was generating duplicate thumbnails for the same source image.
- Code detection when images had the same name but had different contents.
SF-1724: Navigation breaks when remapping mouse over colors in advanced mode
DES-217: SFX-GIF-AA main content area is pushed down on iPad landscape mode
- Reselect website theme to apply fix
- If you do not want to reselect the website theme, you can manually edit your website.css file - please contact ShopFactory Support for more information.
Publish function: Fix issue with some servers returning warning messages when trying to create folder in the recommended product script.
SF-1732: Improve text widths in navigation.
SF-1731: Improve vertical Navigation 2
SF-1692: Googlebase issue - Google information "Condition=New" will not appear
- Now also compares age group and gender the same way.
SF-1602: Mobile mode fix - Home link in other language
SF-1714: Apostrophe/Single quote symbol in Product title is incorrectly removed in productloops with detailed pages
DES-197: Fix subnavigation location
- created 2 variations for SFX-BASE-ESV navstyle.
CEQ-231844: homepage not displaying properly in mobile
DES-152: Check gallery mode product loops for buy now function.
- BASE-1 and PIN-TEXT changes.
SF-1699: Fix Marketeer shutting down in Windows 10
DES-202: Updates to the SFX-FLO template
SF-1701: "Add Image" in Link Image Groups
SF-1432: Tax message must be displayed in the basket popup and basket page (inclusive and exclusive tax settings) - KVJ-839647: Incorrect label of Tax on Shipping Cost
SF-1679: Recommended products: Product Prices are not showing up and product headline are cut-off
- Show prices even if the product has options.
SF-1644: SFX templates issue: Signup link keeps showing up even if membership management service has been turned off
- Signup link is no longer displayed unless Setup membership is enabled.
SF-1686: SEO Details – “Search word” box does not allow break line/enter and missing horizontal scrollbar so you can’t see all keywords
- Changed it to wrap the text correctly.
SF-1681/SF-1702: New hover toolbars for editing in Normal view.
- Fix editing images in LanguageLink: clicking on the logo should display the correct dialog.
- toolbars for Page content, CompanyImage - click on vertical navigations to navigate immediately.
SF-1703: Language Link doesn't display images if "delay loading of images" option is activated
SF-1627: Improve display of choice images and slideshow images
- VPS-273647 - Choice images do not display properly
SF-1695: Detailed page does not show “Description” information by default.
SF-1704: Custom nav and other page link links will no longer use otherurl
- Rewrite the macro for page links to not use otherurl.html anymore.
- New internet links from Pageview will no longer default to use otherurl.html when the target is blank.
SF-1682: Klarna and WireCard payments must have buyer country filter in v10 and v11.
SF-1709: CAR-MO theme: unable to delete background image tile in the top bar (DesignImage1).