The better way to sell online

Your customers are more important than you

Changing your language from ‘I have’ to ‘I can’ is a simple trick that can help you gain customers and genuine fans. A lot of us tend to focus on our skill sets and wants and use them as selling points. We enter meetings and say, ‘I want to create this project’, followed by ‘I have the skills needed.’

But instead of convincing people, placing yourself at the centre is a lot like marketing a product using its features. It might be interesting. But at the end of the day, no one really cares.

Features versus Benefits

Which message inspires more of a positive reaction in you: “This vacuum cleaner is 5% faster than our old model”, or “This faster vacuum cleaner means more time spent with family instead of cleaning.”

The first option is abstract and hard to understand – we have no real point of comparison, and no emotional attachment. The second, however, despite lacking a concrete statistic, inspires in us a mental image: one of less work, more relaxation, and more time spent doing the things we love.

That’s why promoting products using their benefits is much more effective than simply listing their features: benefits help customers understand why they should care.

Conversations with customers should be about Benefits

If benefits should be the focus of product selling, then surely benefits should be the focus of conversations with customers and clients.

In today's saturated market it’s more important than ever to stop telling customers why we’re the best people for the job, and instead tell customers what it is we can do for them.

The truth is that people don’t really care what you want. Or why you’re the best. They just want to know how you can make their lives better.

So instead of leading with ‘I have x qualifications,’ tell them ‘I can help you grow your email list and make more sales.’

Value should be number 1

When you speak to your customers, or provide them with products and services, your goal should always be to add value to their lives. You’re not the hero, your customer is: you’re just here to help them on their journey.

In today's saturated market it’s more important than ever to stop telling customers why we’re the best people for the job, and instead tell customers what it is we can do for them.

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So engage with them! Actively ask questions and listen to answers, adjust your plans to suit them, and create products which they’re actually interested in.

Your customer is your top priority, and your goal is to improve their life with your products.

So stop telling your customers what you have: and start telling them what you can do.

Lena Klein

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