The better way to sell online

Boost your income with the right kind of courage

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There are many guides that will show the ins and outs of a particular online strategy to boost your online sales. But few talk about the characteristics you must have to be successful.

There are many guides that will show the 'ins and outs' of a particular online strategy to boost your online sales. But few talk about the characteristics you must have to be successful.

One of the most important qualities is courage.

Not the kind of courage that defines Bruce Willis in his action movies. I refer to the dictionary definition of courage as: "mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty" Merriam Webster, or as Winston Churchill put it: "Courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm."

This statement is particularly important when it comes to making money online.

Success does not always come easy.

You will stumble on the way, and sometimes even fail. But while this may be a universal truth, most people don’t want to even think about the potential for failure. They listen to all the hype that claims earning money online is easy and the money flow will start flowing effortlessly. That’s not a good recipe for success.

While there are many things which make an online business easier and more profitable to run than a traditional business, there is no guarantee that it will always be smooth sailing.

Being aware there are risks and that you may encounter hurdles along the way is an important part of moving forward. It will help you asses the difficulties you may encounter in the right light. It will help you be the right kind of courageous.

You may build a site that does not pull in traffic. You may pick the wrong niche. You may not be able to convert your traffic to sales.

If you want to see success you must have the courage to keep trying. You must see each failure as an opportunity to learn more about what works and what does not. You must be able to maintain your enthusiasm in the face of adversity and even failure, to be able to motivate yourself to keep going.

With the right approach you will be able to see each setback as a part of a larger process and you will have the dedication and drive to keep going.

Winston Churchill characterizes the ability to 'get back on the horse after you fell off' as courageous. Why? Because so few do it.

Look around you. Most people regard failure as an excuse to quit. They see setbacks as a sign that it wasn’t meant to be. After all, didn’t everyone else tell them it wouldn’t work in the first place?

If you have the courage to learn from your failures, to adjust your approach and concept, then you are well on your way to success.

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